11 December 2010

Indochina(Laos) - Post No 16: Luang Prabang

Just a continuation.

Kwang Si Waterfall
Testing GoPro underwater

There's also a bear sanctuary in Kwang Si
What I thought was funny is that at the bear sanctuary you write your name should you wish after making a contribution, and flipping through I saw these 2 names from Malaysia, which is normal until I saw a "Kelate Gomo Kelate"....not sure how that's gonna help the bears though. So yes Hanita, they're everywhere it seems.

Even after the dissapointment of discovering Phousy Hill is not what I thought I still went up there to catch the sunset. You pretty much see the whole of Luang Prabang from up there and it's like a show up there with scores of people armed to the teeth with SLR's and huge tripods, and here I am feeling  a bit sheepish with a teeny tiny point and shoot. Oh well.....it get's the job done, to the best of it's abilities.

My fave shot of the sun going down
I was also fortunate to have met Amy who gave me a free tour around OckTopPop. Besides silk products they also ran a cafe and guesthouse. It's location by the river makes it an awesome place to visit if you're around the vicinity. 

The natural ingredients used to make the dye

Then you have the obligatory museum and temple visit (no pics allowed), and the rest of this post is just the general sights of the place.

Good selection of 2nd hand books

Hard at work. Not!
My fine steed on a couple of occasions

That's right!
That'll be it for now as I will leave Luang Prabang tomorrow and heading up North.

Later alligators!


Lamb said...

Hey dude, nice stories and am soo jealous of your journey. Its still a dream for me but hopefully one day it will be true!
There will be 3 new Multi 1200's soon and now all I have to do is to get Nageb and the boys to ride theirs and mine and enjoy what you are right now...
BTW, size does not matter dude, your dinky camera is producing fantastic pics!!!
I always believe its the person behind the equipment that makes the difference......
Ride safe and enjoy buddy!!!


mustakimrides said...


Coming from an award winning cameraman is definitely inspiring, thanks. You should definitely do a trip like this. It's an eye opener. Keep the group small, more bikes means more karenah and longer stops. We'll catch up and till then safe riding!


rumet said...

GoPro underwater... only the camera right? owner not in the water? hehehhe

mustakimrides said...

ko ingat camne camera masuk sana, owner terjun dulu la....

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