31 December 2010

Indochina(Thailand) - Post No 26: Happy New Year!

31 December 2010

It's been an amazing year and full of changes and adventure, in fact I'm still on my Indochina adventure.  We had a close encounter with a couple of creatures on this ride that just made this adventure all the more better. There's been rumours of such creatures in the jungles of Thailand, but it didn't cross our minds when we went for our ride that we would cross paths with not one, but two of them.

The day started normally as we planned a day ride doing the Wiang Haen loop from Chiang Mai. It's a 370km day ride with a 40km dirt road section through the mountains.

As we were going through a quieter section of the mountains roads that we saw them. They came out from the bushes and seemed to be curious about us and the bikes. It was nothing like we've ever seen before. They made all these strange yet hypnotic moves that we couldn't figure out. It's obvious that they were trying to communicate but what? what? are you trying to say?

Since we're not sure of their intentions, we decided to make a run for it, even crossing a stream hoping that they would lose our scent.

We thought we were safe and unwisely stopped to admire the view, for it is an awesome view. 

That's when we saw one of the creatures again. Damnit! they found us.....it's sense of smell must be more keen than I thought.

This is when Husref made the mistake of annoying one of them. Through the powers of magic and optical illusion, he was shrunk into a little man and was about to be thrown off the mountain.

A quick offer of Gatorade and potato chips placated them as they seem to be locked in a discussion, while we waited with baited breath. At this point we realised that they mean us no harm, and was just trying to tell us something.

After a while, then we realised why these creatures had followed us. It's the bikes that they're really interested in.....ahhh....no wonder. We thought there'd be no harm in letting them try our bikes, as that option is infinitely better than being eaten alive. 

and enjoyed it they did.....and they just disappeared afters. But not before they wished:

"Happy New Year Everyone!!"

Happy New Year everyone

Hey everyone, Mus here. Just wanna say at the start of 2010, never thought that I'd be on a motorcycling adventure through Indochina having gone to Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Burma, celebrating 2011 along the way. Some say what you do on new years eve will determine the rest of the year, well bollocks to that! I say you determine the rest of the year.

So wishing everyone a great start to the year. Be healthy and happy and don't sweat the small stuff.

I'm missing my friends and family back home and hope to see you guys soon.


Firstly I would like to thank Mustakim for giving me the opportunity to say a few words on his blog and for being an excellent company on this biking adventure.  To everyone, Happy New Year 2011and may all your dreams come true for the new year. Happy Days from me always!!


Anonymous said...

Safe ride to both of you ! ...and Happy New YEAR!!!!!

mustakimrides said...


Happy new year to u too man....we may head to Phi Phi so pls save some girls for us man.

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