04 November 2010

Kuala Terengganu - 8 years still the same.

The last time I was here was 8 years ago for work. Those were the days of dialup and I remember going online for *cough cough* work and getting whacked RM800 for it, my room was only RM200, so you can imagine the amount of explaining i had to do back at the office. Yes, I found the town lacking chutzpah and stayed at the hotel most of the time. My perception of KT town still hasn't changed. I still don't like it. Basically me and KT town........not friend.

So what brings my ass here then you might ask, riding solo for 7 hours from Kuala Tahan, braving the rain and storm, with winds so strong it pushed me from one lane to the other. It took me an hour just to navigate the last 20km due to the storm. Have I gone bonkers? then again that's a foregone conclusion, i believe even my mum who only thinks the best of her son, as all mothers do, is worried that I'm off my rockers..haha. 

I'm gonna say that I'm practicing long solo riding, adding mileage to condition myself, getting the handle of the bike in all sorts of weather condition and bla bla bla, but what really brought me out here was the fact that I won a 2 nights stay in Ri-Yaz Heritage Marina Resort and Spa worth RM4,000 and it's expiring soon. What?! you went through crap for 4k you might ask. To that, I say, I'm actually quite cheap.....i'd do the the same for less. In fact actually I did, coz off season the room is about 700 bucks/night.

True meaning of superstar parking
Right in front of the room.

I went to Pasar Payang and have my lunch there at the food court. Now this place is a landmark in KT where even the tourism site would promote it if you wanna get hold of batik, handicraft and all sorts of local fare. The moment I stepped in there I didn't have a good feeling, the place was dark and musky, and because it had rained earlier water collected everywhere giving it an even more dodgy look to it. As for the food court, it looked to be in such a dilapidated state that to be honest, I'd rather eat in my hotel toilet.

Like how?
To be fair, the weather did hamper my plans to explore the town and look for redeeming qualities but an incident kinda made me laugh to myself and sealed the town's fate. I was having lunch(elsewhere obviously) and messing about with my Garmin, and thought let's look at what this place has by way of entertainment. So I just tapped entertainment and the nearest it could come up with was 100km away. Yup....i was screwed....and the Garmin confirmed it.

Entertainment - only 100km away
Not all is bad though, I must say the room they gave me was really awesome. I'm pretty sure it's bigger than my apartment in KL. You can have a party in the bathroom and still have space. So after 700km of riding in 3 days, it did give me the rest that I need. It also gave the the time to wash my clothes and dry wet riding gear.

Living Room
I did get to move around a bit to capture some shots, but as mentioned, the threat of rain was always there.

Fishermen mending their net
Floating mosque
How the resort looks like from across the bay
I know someone's gonna say, dude....pretty sure if you get a hot chick from KT it'll change your views about the town. I don't know about the change perception thing, but it'll definitely make my mum happy. Till then onwards to more riding adventure as the rider heads off to Kuantan.

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