14 April 2011

Picking up a fallen F650GS

14 April 2011

Sorry for not updating. It's a combination of things really. OK OK I've been lazy. There I said it.

I'm in Chiang Mai now, "marooned" for a week due to Songkran, more on that in my post later. In the mean time, I'm privileged to meet Simon and Lisa Thomas of the 2ridetheworld.com fame here. They've already been on the road for 8 years. It's meeting these people that makes what I'm doing seem quite pussy, but they've been really cool. In fact Simon thought me a valuable lesson on picking up my bike. You know, as riders we hope that we're never faced with a situation where we would have to pick up a dropped bike, though in reality that's what most of us will face. It's well and good if you're riding with friends when this happens as you can actually get them to pick it up while you supervise...hehe, but if you're all alone then how?

I've seen this done on youtube, though there's nothing like practicing it on my own bike to have a feel. So here goes, how to pick up a bike weighing 220 -230kgs.

You may have heard of the turning the bars and lift method, trust me shit would come out my shorts before it'll go up.

Then Simon shows me a better way.

And the third is moi picking it up, minus streak marks in the shorts. The vein in forehead popping is unavoidable though....hehe.

OK enjoy and I'll get on to getting the blog updated.

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