09 October 2010

Singapore - Shopping Part 1

As mentioned, I was in Singapore to pick up some stuff, ok ok let's not sugar coat it, I shopped like the world is going to end by the 27th of October, why 27th you ask, well because 28th is my credit card statement date...haha. If i were a girl i'd be all giggly, then again I might have but no way I'm copping to that here. 

Anyways, the stuff i picked up are all for the bike and upcoming trip. I'd like to think they're necessary or dare i even say vital to facilitate a smooth journey. Of course some may say it's lame, but what the hell...who cares. I may or may not do a review about some of these stuff, so we'll see how it goes. 

I managed to get the panniers, jackets and the Garmin Zumo 660. Now the Zumo is a cool piece of hardware as it's actually made for the motorcycle. Here in Malaysia, it would set you back about RM3.5k. It's cheaper in Singapore but that's not to say that it's dirt cheap either. The lady at R-One in Sim Lim was telling me they don't sell many of these as they're quite expensive and the demand is low, in fact ever since this came out in late 2008, she has only sold 7 units, with mine being no 7 of course. So there i was sitting in this little shop on the 4th floor of Sim Lim with a warm and fuzzy feeling for making it to the top 10 while my wallet was being senselessly raped. Oh well....

The bad boy
Of course I have friends who has leveled accusations of moi being a wuss, a big girl's blouse for having such contraptions. It goes against the spirit of adventure they say, and how people used to cross continents being guided only by the stars and the sun. Well let me tell you this, when you're alone in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and the fuel warning light comes on and you hear a loud cackle coming from the trees next to you, you better hope that by the furious tapping of the Garmin screen it would take you to the nearest fuel station or a bomoh at least. 

So today I had a chance to install it at David's place in Sri Damansara. He's also kind enough to load it up with the Indochina map, but i'd need to get myself a micro SD card for this.

Bike in the shop

Putting the mount in the middle of the bar. 

It's called a ram mount...haha obscene i know.

Tapping the power straight from the battery

Screwing the panels back in

My view of it

Picked up a Komine mesh jacket and gloves as well.

The beauty of this package is that they also give all the necessary mounting for the car as well, which means that my Garmin 760 is now redundant, so if anyone is interested in it please give me a buzz.

I'll be heading back to David's place soon for more farkling so stay tuned.


rumet said...

pergh.. gempak! navigation cemana wey? bluetooth earpiece? ke helmet ada bluetooth....

mustakimrides said...

Ada Bluetooth lekat kat helmet but I didn't buy. Just look at the unit for instructions.

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