30 September 2010

Sunny Cycle - Fork Oil and Ride Report.

The Mod

Went to Sunny Cycle in Jalan Pahang for a minor mod, (cough cough, ya rite minor) and that is to change the fork oil to a thicker viscosity and add a valve to modulate the damping better. This has been recommended by many Beemer owners that I've met, and even though I'm a novice rider, I'd have to say the front is just too soft. It dips under braking and rises during acceleration. The stock works but it's not exactly confidence inspiring. 

The job took about 2 hours, time that i use to check out what other stuff i need for my coming trip. Gotta set aside budget for more gear la.

The fork valve

They work on all sorts

What I hope to achieve - Indochina

Getting the forks out

Sunny Cycle

The Ride Report

The quick ride from Sunny to my house already tells me that it feels different though i really needed a longer ride with twisties thrown in to validate. What else, Awana via Ulu Yam la.

This morning it rained when i woke up, so that kinda screws up the plan. So I had breakfast, waited a while and about 9.30am it kinda stopped. So i suited up and off i went for a solo run, going through Ulu Yam, up to Gohtong Jaya and back down through Karak. The road was actually wet from Ulu Yam to Gohtong as it was still raining, but i decided to press on. If I can describe it in 1 word, it would have to Awesome! I'd summarise it as follow:

1. It doesn't dip under braking or rises upon acceleration.
2. The bike turns in faster, but not abrupt.
3. It holds the line better in turns.
4. Throttle off/on doesn't upset the bike like before.
5. It feels firmer but not harsh.
6. I was actually using higher gears in the same corners and carrying a smoother line.

This is one soooooo worth it mod. Was pretty chuffed with today's ride as the bike felt good and the rain gave me some needed wet riding experience. You can feel the rear wheel sliding on some of the corners, so have to be smooth and relaxed. Even then it still required a high level of concentration cause by the time i got back down was hungry as fuck.

Wished i had taken photos during the ride, but the wet weather killed that spirit. Could use some practice on the new cam.......oh well, next time then.


me or you said...

Very detailed..I like this post. Will be waiting for the Singapore trip report. Nanti aku buatkan sticker Nik Aziz tu before you go for your Indochina trip ok..

mustakimrides said...

Haha...that was one of the first things i noticed as well. Bawa Tok Guru gi sana safe kot?

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